How many types of 541 were there?
First the plain 541
Then the 541 Deluxe.
Then the 541 R
Then the 541 S.

Why does it not have leather trim all over / walnut dash?
It was designed as a lightweight tool for fast driving and touring. Those who wanted more would be expected to buy the "Early Interceptor", its predecessor and stablemate, which was larger and more luxurious, while similar mechanically.

Were any 541s aluminium?
The protype (which is still running) was produced in a hurry and it was quicker for craftsmen to make the body from alloy than glassfibre.  All subsequent cars were made mainly from the new material glass fibre (Fibre-glass in US) apart from a few panels such as doors and, on many earlier cars, the bottom half of the front wings.

What made a Deluxe different?
It had twin exhaust, a new cylinder head, disk brakes all round, wire wheels, and a heater.

Are all 541's R-types?
No! You often see references to the 541R as if this is the generic name for all the models; this is often a reference to the 541 or 541 deluxe.

Was the 541 a dead end for Jensen?
No. It was replaced by the Chrysler V8 engined CV8, styled and engineered by the same team. This model was originally codenamed the "541 CT [centre-tube chassis], or 541 Mk II" - showing that Jensen intended this to be the natural development of the 541. In turn, the legendary 60/70's Interceptor and FF were first built on a CV8 chassis stripped of its body. So, right down to the last Jensen built, the DNA still contained 541 input.

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